Sunday, September 13, 2009

Liberals, like Menino, violate the public records law. (I'm shocked!) Hmm, vendettas, breaking the law

Menino’s office acknowledges city employees routinely deleted e-mails

Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s administration, prompted by public records requests from the Globe, has acknowledged that city employees were routinely deleting e-mails, a potential (likely) violation of the state public records law.
The acknowledgement came after the Globe filed several requests for e-mails sent and received by Menino’s Cabinet chief of policy and planning, Michael J. Kineavy. He is one of Menino’s most powerful and trusted advisers, intimately involved in nearly everything at City Hall, but a search of city computers found just 18 e-mails he had sent or received between Oct. 1, 2008, and March 31 of this year.

...According to the Massachusetts secretary of state, the state public records law requires municipal employees to save electronic correspondence for at least two years, even if the contents are of “no informational or evidential value.’’ The only e-mails that can be deleted are those containing completely inconsequential information, such as spam or questions about lunch orders.
“Clearly, employees cannot delete e-mails that have substantial content,’’ said Secretary of State William F. Galvin, who is responsible for enforcing the law. “The improper deletion of e-mail is a violation of the public records law. Period.’’

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