Monday, September 14, 2009

A liberal behaving badly! The madness of King Menino. He needs a permanent "time-out!"

If Menino were the CEO of a private company (yeah, right) he would be fired or be facing lawsuits for creating a hostile work environment.  If your children behaved like Menino, you would give them a "time-out!" Hopefully the voters of Boston will help Tommy learn how to behave properly.
"...But even as he has come to tower over the city, his lamentable pettiness has persisted. Indeed, those who deal regularly with City Hall, be they developers or activists or other government officials, know they must treat this mayor with kid gloves.

Not a critical word can be spoken about his administration. Menino must be informed early and kept abreast of everything that happens in the city. (The mayoral comment that “they haven’t talked to me about it’’ is a well-known warning that until a miffed mayor is placated, an initiative will go nowhere.) When a plan, program, or proposal does come to fruition, the mayor must be awarded copious credit for helping to bring it about.
Violate those unwritten rules, and the reaction can range from volcanic rage to a new ice age at City Hall. On some occasions, the mayor will make his displeasure known in a public dressing down, though a telephone tirade is more frequent..."

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