Monday, September 28, 2009

"I hadn't noticed I was a racist, but that was no doubt because I was too busy being a homophobe."

Outsourcing Hate
The burdens of conservatism in the Obama age.
by P.J. O'Rourke
10/05/2009, Volume 015, Issue 03

"Whew, I'm pooped. Jimmy Carter has got me run ragged with all the hating I'm supposed to do. Jimmy says I'm a racist because I oppose President Obama's health care reform program. Even Jimmy Carter can't be wrong all the time. And since Jimmy Carter has been wrong about every single thing for the past 44 years, maybe--just as a matter of statistical probability--he's right this time.
I hadn't noticed I was a racist, but that was no doubt because I was too busy being a homophobe. Nancy Pelosi says the angry opposition to health care reform is like the angry opposition to gay rights that led to Harvey Milk being shot. Since I do not want America to suffer another Sean Penn movie, I will accept that I'm a homophobe, too. And I'm a male chauvinist due to the fact that I think Nancy Pelosi is blowing smoke--excuse me, carbon neutral, biodegradable airborne particulate matter--out her pantsuit..."

While America Slept...and the Europeans, Russians and Chinese appeased...Iran was building nukes. I pray that Obamessiah is up to the task.

There Are Only Two Choices Left on Iran

An Israeli or U.S. military strike now, or a nuclear Tehran soon.

"...It is, therefore, in the American interest to break with past policy and actively seek the overthrow of the Islamic Republic. Not by invasion, which this administration would not contemplate and could not execute, but through every instrument of U.S. power, soft more than hard. And if, as is most likely, President Obama presides over the emergence of a nuclear Iran, he had best prepare for storms that will make the squawks of protest against his health-care plans look like the merest showers on a sunny day."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This is too easy! Even a liberal should know a tax when they see one!

Mandatory insurance: Yes, it’s a tax

President Obama vows not to raise taxes on any American family earning less than $250,000 a year. Yet he backs legislation that would force every American to carry health insurance or pay a hefty penalty to the IRS. Such an “individual mandate’’ is included in all the major health care bills making their way through Congress, including the legislation unveiled by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus last week. So when ABC’s George Stephanopoulos interviewed the president on Sunday, he raised the obvious challenge:
“Under this mandate, the government is forcing people to spend money [to buy insurance], fining you if you don’t. How is that not a tax?’’
Obama replied that the individual mandate “is absolutely not a tax increase,’’ since, in his view, there is good reason to impose it. He stuck to that position even when confronted with Merriam-Webster’s definition of “tax’’ - “a charge, usually of money, imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes.’’
“George,’’ chided Obama, “the fact that you looked up Merriam’s Dictionary . . . indicates to me that you’re stretching a little bit right now.’’

Iran's president rails against capitalism...just like Obama

From one loon to another...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Subpoena all past and present ACORN executives!

These fools have done enough to warrant a full-scale Congressional investigation and IRS audit!

ACORN Chief Dodges Congressman's Call to Come Before Congress

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, presses chief organizer Bertha Lewis to prove her commitment to reforming the community activist group by showing more transparency. 

Obama is in way over his head.

President Barack Obama is beginning to look out of his depth

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Frank Luntz is correct, as usual: The real reason for the rage: Americans aren't racist - they're just furious at Obama and Washington

"...The real reason why 72% of the people I interviewed say that they're "mad as hell and they're not going to take it anymore" has nothing to do with racism. No, their rage is about a lack of accountability, a lack of respect, and a lack of progress in the nation's capital..."

The real reason for the rage: Americans aren't racist - they're just furious at Obama and Washington
Read more:

From the San Antinion Express-News: You might be a racist if you disagree with President Barack Obama.

"...You might be a racist if you disagree with President Barack Obama..."

Right to the point: It's the Liberty, Stupid

Robert Tracinski gets to the heart of the matter, stating the obvious about why so many Americans oppose Obama and the liberal agenda: It's the Liberty, Stupid

"...For a dose of reality, check out this set of photos taken by one of my readers at Saturday's rally. The defining characteristic of the tea party rallies, and especially last Saturday's, is the profusion of signs—the movement's dominant medium of expression. You don't have to resort to imagining words these people didn't say or projecting what was "probably" in their minds. They tell you what they're thinking, with an enormous variety and creativity of homemade signs. A few favorites: "Do I Look Like an ATM to You?" The ever-popular "Give Me Liberty, Not Debt." "Congress Is a Toxic Asset." "Free Markets Not Free Loaders." And addressing the race issue head-on: "It Doesn't Matter the President Is Black. It Matters That He's Red." The most unusual sign: a genuine one-million-Mark banknote from the German hyperinflation of the 1920s, surrounded by the motto: "Never Again."

"...The common theme of the signs was individual rights versus collectivism, an advocacy of limited government held to the restrictions placed on it by the Constitution. One of the signs in the photo essay sums up the message of the tea party rally: "It's the Liberty, Stupid."

The fact that the tea party had such a clear philosophical message, and that the bogus racism smear so thoroughly evades this message, says a lot about the intellectual confidence of the tea party movement—versus the lack of philosophical confidence on the left. The tea partiers are very happy to have a philosophical debate on the most basic political issues. The left, by contrast, wants to change the subject with personal, ad hominem attacks—which indicates that they are not confident that they can win the debate if it stays on the question of the size and role of government.
To say that the left is resorting to "racial politics" is a bit too vague. Let's define exactly what they are doing: they are resorting to a decades-old politics of racial slander, reflexively accusing any opponent of racism in an attempt to shut down discussion.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mr. President, ending Affirmative Action is real "change we can believe in!"

With all of the irresponsible race baiting, and vitriolic comments from the liberals this week, I was reminded of the racist/sexist policy known as Affirmative Action.

By definition, Affirmative Action is a racist and sexist public policy. Too many innocent people - of all races - have been hurt by its legacy of reverse discrimination, and it is time to end this horrible policy once and for all. America can do better, much better!

If President Obama wants to change America for the better, he can offer real leadership by providing a remedy for one of the greatest injustices ever perpetrated on the American people. And as it was said, "only Nixon could go to China," only Obama can end Affirmative Action.

By proposing an end-date, and creating a timetable for withdrawal from Affirmative Action, President Obama will stimulate and engage the American people in politics in ways never before seen in history. I can see the hope in the eyes of the millions of Americans who register to vote on the promise of a better tomorrow.

Mr. President, ending Affirmative Action is real "change we can believe in!"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Time to clean house and cut all taxpayer $ to ACORN!


From ACORN, a mighty controversy grows

After the release of several videos highlighting atrocious behavior by some of its workers, the liberal advocacy group needs to clean house.,0,1980998.story

"We are the boogeyman for the right-wing and its echo chambers," reads a self-serving statementreleased Saturday by ACORN's chief organizer, Bertha Lewis. She claimed the videos were "doctored" and threatened legal action against Fox. What she didn't do is apologize for the appalling and possibly illegal behavior of ACORN employees, acknowledge that the organization has serious internal problems and vow to correct them, or do what she should have done as soon as the scandal was revealed: resign.

MA is health-reform model of what not to do!

Any coincidence this "opinion" piece was printed one day after the Boston Globe reported on the next  increase in premiums - this time 10%?

Massachusetts Is a Health-Reform Model?

The evolving nervous breakdown on the left

"...They see the Anointed One, Barack Obama—their “sort of God”—failing. He is not only a mere mortal but also a deeply flawed one..."

The Liberals’ Breakdown

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is this man a racist because he is opposed to the policies of the Obama administration?

Protesters came from every state in the union. This man came from San Antonio, TX. He said that he was really sorry he hadn’t brought his family. He stated that being a black conservative he was unwilling to expose his children to what he expected would be a lot of liberal abuse. He was thrilled with the overall tenor of the event and the fact that no liberals were present to harass him. He spoke about how incredibly intolerant the left is to black individuals who don’t bow to the party line.

Jimmy Carter plays the race card: more nonsense from the left! As predicted, liberal insults towards anyone who dares disagree.

"Jimmy Carter has made an outrageous, unfounded and potentially inflammatory remark about race. He has claimed that a great proportion of the vitriolic opposition to President Obama’s health reforms and spending plans are actually motivated by racial hatred: that this president is being attacked not for his policies but for his colour. He offers no evidence for this extraordinary assertion presumably because there is none..."

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Is that what Obama thinks he is doing?

"All of us share this world for but a brief moment in time. The question is whether we spend that time focused on what pushes us apart, or whether we commit ourselves to an effort - a sustained effort - to find common ground..." President Barack Obama

That is gross, but the payments will come out of "net" (after-taxes) income!

Under Obamacare "...Millions more would qualify for federal tax credits, but could still end up paying as much as 13 percent of their income for insurance premiums -- far more than most Americans now pay for coverage..." That is gross, but the payments will come out of "net" (after-taxes) income!

We're talking about the equivalent of a middle-class tax increase..."

"We're talking about the equivalent of a middle-class tax increase," said Michael D. Tanner, a health-care expert at the libertarian Cato Institute. "Yes, they're paying it to an insurance company instead of to the government. But, suddenly, these people are paying more money to somebody."

Reform Bill Will Address GOP Fears

But Affordability Questions Remain

NH's Union Leader speaks for many, defends dissent, chastises Obama's arrogance

"If President Obama and Democrats in Washington continue to dismiss the genuine anger over their health care reform proposals, they will set themselves up for electoral disaster."

Protesting arrogance: The summer of disrespect

An increasing number of Americans do not believe that he believes what he says.

More interesting reading from George Will

Why No One Believes Obama
"... His (Obama's) incessant talking cannot combat what it has caused: An increasing number of Americans do not believe that he believes what he says.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Even the liberals at The Boston Globe kow that Menino's a paranoid hack!

Pew appointments don't pass the smell test! Recreational fishermen get gaffed!

In what looks to be a violation of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the Obama Administration appoints allies of the the ultra-liberal Pew Charitable Trusts to regional fisheries management commissions and councils. And violates the rights of recreational anglers!

RFA asks Commerce Secretary for Council Appointment Process
"...The appointments caused uproar within the fishing community however, as representatives selected in Virginia and New Jersey replaced incumbent representatives of the recreational fishing community, while the New York selection removed a commercial sector seat. According to Donofrio, the selection process was in clear violation of the spirit and intent of MSA..."

Interestingly, the closest thing the CBO could find to mandatory health insurance was the draft.

A Health Insurance Mandate That Works Like Auto Insurance? Think Again

"...The Congressional Budget Office said as much in 1994 when it issued a paper on the Clinton-era call for a health insurance mandate. 
"A mandate requiring all individuals to purchase health insurance would be an unprecedented form of federal action," the CBO said. 
Interestingly, the closest thing the CBO could find to mandatory health insurance was the draft. 
"Federal mandates that apply to individuals as members of society are extremely rare. One example is the requirement that draft-age men register with the Selective Service System. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is not aware of any others imposed by current federal law," the report said. 
In light of the 1994 report, Cannon amended his earlier comment. There is one way to avoid a health insurance mandate, he said: "Fleeing to Canada."

Time to look under the hood at ACORN.

Republican Lawmakers Turn Up the Heat on ACORN

A growing number of Republican lawmakers are calling for congressional hearings and IRS audits of ACORN following the release of three videotapes showing employees at the community organization assisting a purported "pimp" and "prostitute" in obtaining housing.

No real effort at bipartisanship... no kidding!

The great myth: bipartisanship

A liberal behaving badly! The madness of King Menino. He needs a permanent "time-out!"

If Menino were the CEO of a private company (yeah, right) he would be fired or be facing lawsuits for creating a hostile work environment.  If your children behaved like Menino, you would give them a "time-out!" Hopefully the voters of Boston will help Tommy learn how to behave properly.
"...But even as he has come to tower over the city, his lamentable pettiness has persisted. Indeed, those who deal regularly with City Hall, be they developers or activists or other government officials, know they must treat this mayor with kid gloves.

Not a critical word can be spoken about his administration. Menino must be informed early and kept abreast of everything that happens in the city. (The mayoral comment that “they haven’t talked to me about it’’ is a well-known warning that until a miffed mayor is placated, an initiative will go nowhere.) When a plan, program, or proposal does come to fruition, the mayor must be awarded copious credit for helping to bring it about.
Violate those unwritten rules, and the reaction can range from volcanic rage to a new ice age at City Hall. On some occasions, the mayor will make his displeasure known in a public dressing down, though a telephone tirade is more frequent..."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rewarding the wrong kinds of behavior...has lead to the decline of this great nation.

Rewarding the wrong kinds of behavior, and managing to the lowest common denominator is the root philosophy of the supporters of American liberalism, the welfare state, and socialism. That philosophy, and the unfortunate public policies that have been derived and implemented from same, has lead to the decline of this great nation.

What did Menino know, and when did he know it?

The tip of the iceberg: Menino to be (finally) investigated? And liberals always claim that they are for transparency, and open government! Ha! The real question is: what did Menino know, and when did he know it? No doubt, this illegal activity, by one of the Mayor's closest advisors, is probably a cover-up of more heinous crimes.

Mayoral candidates
call for investigation
"...Menino's opponents say the practice of deleting emails runs contrary to the expectation of open government.
"This is what happens when power goes unchecked and unopposed," said Yoon. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” 

A very good question: What ‘right’ to health care?

What ‘right’ to health care?

"...Health care is too important to be left to the market? No, it is too important not to be."

"Capitalism is evil," says Michael Moore

"Capitalism is evil," says Michael Moore

VENICE (Reuters) - Capitalism is evil. That is the conclusion U.S. documentary maker Michael Moore comes to in his latest movie Capitalism: A Love Story, which premieres at the Venice film festival Sunday. -Yet, Michael Moore enriches himself while engaging in capitalism while he promotes his propaganda film of lies.

-Looking at Moore, it's abundantly clear that he came by his rotund figure by enriching the local grocery outet and fast food joint to procure his vittles and carbs by participating in a free market economy and capitalism. Hypocrite be HIS name.

Just do it!?

Doing something, anything, even if it is fatally flawed, and calling it "reform" in the name of Ted Kennedy, is not good public policy.

after this empty performance, many people now wonder whether our new president is up to the task of ever constructively leading our nation.

SHERMAN FREDERICK: Obama blows chance to lead

Speech divided rather than united

growing public concern about spending, taxes and the size of government

All Signs Point to Another Top-Notch Election Cycle in 2010

By Stuart Rothenberg
"... But growing public concern about spending, taxes and the size of government has started to shift the national landscape away from the Democrats to a more neutral position, and quite possibly toward the GOP. The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has even found that Republicans have regained their historic advantage as the party better suited to deal with spending and taxes."

August ended with the unembarrassable administration uttering a $2 trillion "Oops!"

George F. Will

An Ivy League Huey Long

Washington is seriously unserious.

The New York Times Whine Club!

Any chance Obama's opponents just disagree with his proposals? Now, according to Dowd, they're racists. Another example of the insults, name-calling, etc from the New York Times.

Obama Opponents Can't Accept a Black President - Maureen Dowd, NYT

ObamaCare is Too Good to Be True

"...I'm always amazed by the educated people who buy the fable that universal health care will reduce emergency-room visits -- and hence practically pay for itself.
Wrong. As The Week magazine reported, after Massachusetts passed a universal health care plan, "demand at emergency rooms has only increased; more people are seeking medical care because they are insured, but there are not enough general practitioners to treat them."

Liberals, like Menino, violate the public records law. (I'm shocked!) Hmm, vendettas, breaking the law

Menino’s office acknowledges city employees routinely deleted e-mails

Mayor Thomas M. Menino’s administration, prompted by public records requests from the Globe, has acknowledged that city employees were routinely deleting e-mails, a potential (likely) violation of the state public records law.
The acknowledgement came after the Globe filed several requests for e-mails sent and received by Menino’s Cabinet chief of policy and planning, Michael J. Kineavy. He is one of Menino’s most powerful and trusted advisers, intimately involved in nearly everything at City Hall, but a search of city computers found just 18 e-mails he had sent or received between Oct. 1, 2008, and March 31 of this year.

...According to the Massachusetts secretary of state, the state public records law requires municipal employees to save electronic correspondence for at least two years, even if the contents are of “no informational or evidential value.’’ The only e-mails that can be deleted are those containing completely inconsequential information, such as spam or questions about lunch orders.
“Clearly, employees cannot delete e-mails that have substantial content,’’ said Secretary of State William F. Galvin, who is responsible for enforcing the law. “The improper deletion of e-mail is a violation of the public records law. Period.’’

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The heart of Menino: Big Brother is watching you!

A well-tuned political machine, powered by zeal...and vendettas, like the mafia

“Hey, we all have human frailties,’’ Menino said. “But the problem you have is, you get slapped so many times by people who you helped out that sometimes you get a little frustrated and sometimes you have to allow that frustration to be released.’’

American Revolution II

Why should I be legally compelled to pay $300+/month ($3,600+/year, of my money, after taxes) to subsidize health care for all the obese, diabetic smokers of America? Here is the short answer: I should not be legally compelled to spend my money so foolishly. And any government that does so is no longer worthy of my support.

Mr Speaker, 2011?!

If the $3,800 fine is part of the so-called health care reform law, Democrats on Capitol Hill should prepare for 50-60 "going away" parties in December 2010, and get used to saying and seeing Speaker Boehner.

Obama's allies

ACORN Officials Videotaped Telling 'Pimp,' 'Prostitute' How to Lie to IRS,2933,548827,00.html

Facts are stubborn, inconvenient truths...especially for politicians!

Facts are stubborn, inconvenient truths...especially for politicians!
U.S. Editorial Pages Challenge Obama's Fiscal Details on Health Care

Thanks to the current administration’s inaction, the Gulf of Mexico will soon become home to unsustainable fish farms

More nonsense from Obama!
09.09.09 Thanks to the current administration’s inaction, the Gulf of Mexico will soon become home to unsustainable fish farms.

Medicare for Dummies Contradictions worthy of the Marx Brothers.

"...So in the spirit of civility, we won't accuse the President of lying about Medicare. We'll just say his claims bear little relation to anything true."
Medicare for Dummies
Contradictions worthy of the Marx Brothers.

Bury Obamacare!

Even the liberal lioness from CA, Feinstein, has doubts!

Like her red-state colleagues, Feinstein also worried about creating new automatic spending programs - known as entitlements - that would compound an already serious fiscal situation.
"There is real concern over debt and deficits, and whether this bill will create additional entitlements," Feinstein said. "That's important to me and I think it's important to them."

Read more:

But despite the fine words eloquently delivered, Obama's promises on cost containment rang false.

Health reform at what price?

'You lie!' Yes, he does'You+lie!'+Yes,+he+does&articleId=aa2e5b88-3b6d-47c0-a2ee-31dbcf7287c4

Live from Chicago...Obama's home town

Obama isn't serious about bipartisanship


Richard Brigle, 57, a Vietnam War veteran and former Teamster, came from Paw Paw, Mich. He said health care needs to be reformed -- but not according to President Barack Obama's plan.
"My grandkids are going to be paying for this. It's going to cost too much money that we don't have," he said while marching, bracing himself with a wooden cane as he walked.

The liberal brain

This is especially true of liberal politicians... "The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office." - Robert Frost

A lesson about dealing with most liberals

Once a liberal realizes they can not win an argument, all they have left is demonizing their opponents. Other people do not resort to such pathetic tactics.

My "favorite" retort from a liberal is, "Oh, you just don't understand." And my retort is always the same, "I do understand, however, I just disagree with you." Being nice, and showing respect for their opinion usually leaves them all in a twitter, because doing so is foreign to most liberals.

Ad response when searching "socialism"

With thanks to Jim McManus:

Companies bid on advertising around terms with which they wish to be associated. Ad response when searching "socialism"

Socialism as defined by Merriam-Webster

This may remind you of what has been happening since Obama took the Oath of Office.

  • Pronunciation: \ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm\
  • Function: noun
  • Date: 1837

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Obama's spin on the economy

BTW, we are in the worst recession since 1983...not the Great Depression!

Are there any objective historians, with the guts needed to tell the truth in the White House?

Obama lovers and liberals beware

This is where the curtain is pulled back, and the consistent inconsitencies of the liberals and Obama cultists will be revealed and discussed.

Just sit back and watch how quickly the liberals drop any pursuit of the truth, or offer facts to bolster their positions, and instead begin hurling insults.

The truth hurts!